Welcome to ThalassaLand,
Home of Thalassa,
The Daughters of Divination & SF BATS!
Daughters of Divination
SF BATS! celebrated its 24th birthday in 2015. Thank you to everyone who helped make it the best yet!
Visit the SF BATS Facebook Group to view photos and catch up on the fun. If you have a BATS memory or pictures to share, that is a great place to do it.
COVID-19 Update
When the times change for the better and gatherings are again safe, we hope to return to our roots as a smalller, more "locally sourced" event in the San Francisco Bay Area, and as these plans come together we will be sure to share the refulgence!
Stay tuned and stay BATS-y!
The Bat Queen says. "Forward! To Infinity and Beyond! and future BATS-y adventures too"
The BATScots salute you!
Stay close to the BATS phone - operators are standing by!
BATS Fanciers are encouraged to visit us on Facebook(we have a page and a group!):
Information about the doings of SF BATS (not to mention real mammalian bats) may be found in the SF BATS information page. We also share items of interest to the community produced by friends, presenters and supporters of SF BATS.
Additionally, there is a Facebook group (also called SF BATS) that includes all of the above but allows for more fun and interaction.
You can also follow us on twitter @sfbats
Follow the Bat Queen on twitter too!
and on Facebook:
Daughters of Divination